Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Color Filter/Color Splash - KayleeBeth

   My younger sister KayleeBeth is one of my favorite "models" that I take photos of. Like with almost every picture I take it's a spur of the moment snapshot. Only a few are intentionally posed. Mainly I'll just tell whoever it is getting photographed to "move a little to the left/right", "smile", "ready? one, two, three!" and then click! But then there are times when I just take 'em as they are or let the people position themselves how they feel comfortable.
   Sneaking up on people is really fun too. Especially when they don't know I'm right there. :) Most don't even realize I caught that face on camera. (Like the first one below. He he. :P )
   Anyways, Nikkita (my dear Nikon camera) has a special feature/editing thing-a-ma-jig called "color filter" that lets you make everything black and white except for one color in the image. It doesn't work very well on some photos (makes skin look reddish/orange sometimes when choosing any type of red, pink, or orange to filter) but looks pretty good on others.
   Here are a few samples (I'll let the pictures do the talking) . . .







   The "after" isn't always better than the "before" but I do like to add a bit of a pop and standing out with editing. 
   What do YOU think? What are some of YOUR favorite edits/looks to add to YOUR photos?

*Chasity Sherelle Photography*

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Camera and Eye

Hello! I know, you're surprised that I posted on here since it's been well over two weeks since my last post. Oops. Time sure does fly! Anyhoo, here are a few snap shots from the other day of my (left o.o) eye and then Nikkita (nickname: Nikki) my camera with moi. Yeah . . . my camera has a name now . . . weird huh? ~:o)

Like the edits? Picnik is closing in April (WHY!!??) and so I'm editing now before it goes bye bye forever! :( I don't know what I'm going to do! All my pictures will be basically naked and look like crappola without Picnik!!! I might have to quit my blog for Pete's sake! Well . . . that probably won't happen but I don't know of any other programs that are like Picnik and if there are I wouldn't know how to use them. Yes, I've become that attached and used to Picnik. The stupid thing is, that in the stupid little e-mail Picnik sent out it said "it's been awesome" but then why did they say they're leaving if it's been so awesome!!!??? I need them! And then they said they were like "joining up with Google" but weren't very clear on that but it sounds like Google's being mean. Why does Google have to take over everything? Dumb Google! Oh, what is the world coming to?

Ignore the above drama and have a good, uh, life. (without Picnik :[  )

*Chasity Sherelle Photography*

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Entered - Photo Challenge//Color

I entered another photo challenge. The theme was color. So here my niece Bella. Red/orange hair. Green wall. Blue shirt. What do you think? :D 

*Chasity Sherelle Photography*

Friday, January 6, 2012

Entered - Photo Challenge//Winter

Just entered this picture of my nephew Gabriel (Gabe/Gabey) in this cool photo challenge! Check it out! :)

Visit Kel's (the contest hostess) blog!
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